What to do for Table of Contents!

The next planning aspect of my foundation portfolio is to plan the Table of Contents. I would prefer to have my TOC coordinate with my double page spread, and my cover. However, I haven't decided on my layout yet...so here are my ideas:
Image result for travel magazine table of contents
Image result for travel magazine table of contents
Image result for travel magazine table of contents
Click here to view photos
Let's talk pros:

- I love how TOC A sticks with its primary color--green. The background features a lush green hill and the text "AFAR" copies that color and it works well. Something that I most likely will recreate is how the numbers on the TOC are transparent, and show the background of the water as well.
- TOC B seems to have a blue tint over the entire page, which I think provides a calming and relaxing tone. Since travel magazines tend to stick to this type of blue, I plan on doing the same, but not as a tint and instead as an accent color against white and gold. Something I will use is the white text because it stands out against the blue. I also like the section, On the Cover, because for my portfolio, this is the main story that should be easy to see.
- Lastly, TOC C features a double page spread instead, and has a photo on the left. I am leaning toward a double page spread with a photo on the left and the actual table of contents on the right. But I might incorporate TOC A for the left page of the spread.

- For TOC A, I don't like the off white vertical bar or the thick letters, so if I were to design my TOC based on this layout, I would put a skinnier font and change the off white to pure white, gold, or black--depending on my background. 
- I did place the blue tint for TOC B under pros, but it looks a little faded. I also would prefer using one big photo instead of multiple small ones, since I don't think my photos are as coordinated. 
- ANOTHER BLUE TINT!! TOC C has a blue tint on the tower on the left. Again, I don't think I'll be putting strong filters on my photos because it draws away from the "natural" feel that I'm going for. I also prefer a skinnier font for the text, so it's easy to read without question. 

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