DBS Production Process Part 3 - Drafting my Article

The first thing I did was research what aspects cities have in common. I came across another blog from Daniel Little, a travel blogger, who wrote a list on what cities share in a philosophical point of view. Even though my magazine won't be that deep, I still took certain points from his blog. I then researched any tips from Google that could inspire me to think of my own tips. Once I started writing, I couldn't stop. I would think of any tips my dad tells me during vacations regarding how to get somewhere. Using instances, many instances, in which I got lost on vacation, helped me write a well developed list of tips that I think will actual be helpful. Here are some of my tips!
  1. Pay attention to landmarks or memorable corner stores. Chances are directions from locals will include, 
    “Turn left on the second stoplight after the Starbucks.”
  2. Count! The grid system is based on numbers.
  3. Become familiar with transport system. Whether it’s the Tube in London or the BART in the Bay Area, 
    utilize these cheaper ways to get to work. They’re there for a reason!
As for placement of my article, I put it in the gold backgrounds and just listed my tips. Here's what my layout looked like after just pasting my list:
Since it looked so boring, I decided to make the numbers bigger so its more appealing, rather than just a list. I also changed the font to script and changed the color to white!
Here's what my spread looks like now and I love it so much. I did this twice with the rest of the tips for my second page spread! I'm really happy with how it looks but obviously I have a few edits to make and to make sure I achieve that one goal I talk about constantly- ORGANIZATION!! I really want my entire magazine to look neat, organized, modern, and simple, yet appealing, intriguing, and interesting. Also to make my magazine look even more put together, I might write another double page spread if I have time. I think it would all go together even more if I add another spread.

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